UPDATE: Trains between Velingrad and Dobrinishte put in opperation again

UPDATE: Since 27. Jan 2019 trains run again between Velingrad and Dobrinishte.
Because of the heavy snowfall and the winds during the last night, many trees and obstacles impeded the train circulation between Velingrad and Dobrinishte. Since 21:30 on 25. Jan 2019 the trains in this section were cancelled. The morning train 16103 "Rodopi" did not completed the course. The motorway was also blocked by the snow and it was impossible to send busses.
Since 12:25 on 26. Jan 2019 the trains circulate between Septemvri and Velingrad. From there on, the passengers are trans-shipped on busses to Dobrinishte. The regulations for the tickets and the prices remain the same. The maintenance department works on the resumption of the train-traffic.